Boson Exam Environment

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Marketplace Practice Exams are written by independent authors, published by Boson Exam Publishing and delivered by the Boson Exam Environment (BEE) software engine. Find products, including network simulator software, practice exams and instructor-led training. In addition to Boson's own products, you can find practice exams written by independent authors which are published by Boson Exam Publishing and delivered by the Boson Exam Environment software engine.

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CCNA R&S, Net+
Exam3 years ago

Boson Exam Environment Torrent

I have been studying ICDN1 topics for several weeks, and I feel like I have a very good grasp on the material. I can configure everything in the material from memory: OSPF, DHCP, access lists, etc. I go over review and study questions, and I ace it all. I do practice labs and I make everything work without having to look up solutions or commands. I make mistakes and fix them by troubleshooting. I read all the topics lists and I feel comfortable. I have a short list of things I want to keep studying, but it's mostly memorization.

I have my ICND1 exam scheduled for this Saturday and decided to use the Boson practice exams to gauge my readiness level, as several posters here highly recommended them.

Boson Exam Environment

And they're kicking my ass. Elan smart pad driver.

I'm not doing HORRIBLY, I'm scoring around 700 or so, but some of the stuff they're asking seems to come out of nowhere, and was never featured in this much detail as was covered in the books I've read. The test seems to expect me to intimately know every waking detail of ARP. I had to look up the answer of one of the ARP questions and it took me nearly an hour to find, as I couldn't locate it in my books, and barely found it on the internet. That's just one example. Another was asking me about a password creation syntax that wasn't in any of my books, either. I could create a password on my own, certainly. But I had never seen this method, and it wasn't in my books.

I have heard people say that the Boson exams are purposely more difficult than the actual Cisco ones. Am I just not as ready as I think I am?

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